Do You Have Any Of

These Problems?

Sad Koala

Unsure About Content ROI or Effectiveness?

Are you finding it difficult to know if your content is helping you progress individuals to sale? You aren’t alone. More than 90% of CMOs express this pain. When you have challenges determining the relationship between content and sales it’s an issue. If you don’t know what content is resonating that’s an issue as well.

Losing Sales & Wasting Time?

Landing page content rarely determines if a lead should go directly to sales. It also doesn’t inform you if the lead is a tire kicker (waste of time). Over 62% of marketers state that segregation of leads is a challenge. Stop wasting time to conversion and losing sales opportunites!

Personalization, Rapport, Brand, & Relationship Challenges?

Building relationship is one key purpose of content marketing. But, the content for contact (email) model does a poor job at meeting this objective. Filling out a form and getting contact does not build rapport or relationship – nor brand. In addition, you do not even have enough data about the prospect to provide them information regaridng their specific needs (lack of personalization)!

Problems with Conversion Rates?

Getting traffic is expensive but not converting traffic is even worse. Staying relevant with content is tough. Everyone utilizing the same methods of content give aways makes it even harder! It’s time for a re-think!

Have a Need or Desire for More Prospect Intelligence

Do you have a system for obtaining prospect intelligence? Do you know elements, traits, and other factors makes your SQLs different from your MQLs? The ability to continually be building more intelligence is critical to success.

Koalafy Assessments

To the Rescue!

happy koala

Content to Sales Conversion

Koalafy Assessments allow you to directly correlate your content marketing system to the buyer’s journey. No more guess work. It’s straight forward. Your content is delivering specific and measurable leads that can be tied back to sales.

Efficient Marketing with Segmentation

Leads come into your systems fully segmented. No longer are all content CTA downloads workflowed the same. With your lead stages/categories assigned to each lead prospects are routed for appropriate and immediate action. This eliminates lost time on unqualified leads sent to sales.

Customer Focused Engagement

Koalafy Assessments delivers on the promise of customer centric engagement. Segmented leads and segregated results files based upon THEIR answers to YOUR questions. It’s a new age and by using the value for value (V4V) model, assessments all propsects to focus on themselves. This high value, high touch approach allows you to acquire unrivaled intelligence, credibility, and mindshare.

Differentiate and Convert

Following the pack is safe but it can also mean a terrible user experience. Using landing pages with forms is not an inviting or engaging user experience. Engage users and start converting more leads!

Learn While You Earn

Koalafy Assessments allow you to gather valuable prospect intelligence so you to adjust and understand messaging that converts. Now you can refine your efforts with confidence and build continuous momentum.

Deliver More Value

Now you can deliver true customized value to prospects that THEY will APPRECIATE. That goodwill transfers to you. So, hello to a revolution in lead generation and say goodbye to flat contact 4 content give aways.

Deliver More Value

Now you can deliver true customized value to prospects that THEY will APPRECIATE. That goodwill transfers to you. So, hello to a revolution in lead generation and say goodbye to flat contact 4 content give aways.

Powerful & Advanced Construction

Koalafy is incredibly powerful it is. Instead of content that provides little to no insight about prospects, you can now develop and obtain complex intelligence.

Complex Logic

Powerful scoring provides the means for highly tailored content delivery. By asking questions along two axis you can give prospects content that meets their specific needs.